Thursday, February 2, 2012


Acropolis is a rocky plateau as high as 156 m, and there are some ruins of an ancient building that was once the temple who were the historical center of Athens. Acropolis now become the pride of Athens historical evidence about the triumph of about 2,400 years ago.

Acropolis was built 1,300 years sm is actually a small picturesque town, to destroy the Persian empire in 480 BC. A year later the Greek army defeated the Persians and rebuilt the temples. Between the years 467 to 404 sm building was completed. In 1834 Athens became the capital of Greece, King Otto set the Acropolis as a protected archaeological buildings. Acropolis restored in 1975. Largest ancient buildings on the Acropolis is the Parthenon Democracy in politics as we know it today is one of the contributions from Hellenislic dynasty (650-30 BC) in the days of Ancient Greek empire, where civil rights to free expression are recognized. As a characteristic pattern in the form of Ancient Greek city state of the city, where there are open spaces for democratic activity and is characterized by buildings of the State to the executive, legislative and judicial branches, one of which is the Acropolis. That tradition is not intended to Athen militarism, so that the cities of Ancient Greece is often under attack from the nations around him, especially from Persia.

Different from the Spartan tradition that is widely available in the medieval towns in the area of ??Bavaria or Germany now that it showed the superiority of his nation through victory in war. The concept of democracy was redefined by the French scientist after mid-century, Montesquieu (1689-1755), the Esprit des Lois. Acropolis was built during the imperial leadership of Pericles (495-429 BC) which is the golden age of Greece in Athens. Acropolis is located in an attractive location in a hilly city of Athens, and from here can enjoy views of the commercial district of Athens, the Agora (the market) which is the center of the crowd, so the Acropolis symbolizes the goddess of wisdom, justice, spirit and inspiration of the population of Athens. The main environmental Acropolis complex consisting of temples that make up a panorama of the city, among others Erichteion, Parthenon, Nike and the Propylaea.

Erichteion temple is a building that is still new and very beautiful as a replacement for a previous building destroyed in 480 BC due to the war with the Persians, led Salamis. Temple built by the architect Mnesicles between the years 421-405 BC and has a small size, irregular, stratified by ionic column style is located on a site that is surrounded by forest and land sacred burial ground. There are three main features of this temple,
1. the porch,
2. windows in every part of the door on the porch of the east and
3. girl-shaped ornament on a column that serves as the support of the south porch roof. The shape is slightly slimmer and impressive as if he were to uphold the burden of the roof.

Parthenon is a temple where there is a huge statue, made of ivory and gold. Parthenon is a very prominent building and is the center of the Acropolis. Parthenon was built between 447-438 BC as the work of architect Ictimus (Iktinos) and Callicrates (Kallikrates) and an expert sculptor Phidias (Pheidias).

Parthenon building said to be 'the greatest perfection of the work of Doric temple ever built', an appearance with perfect proportions generated by a virtual-loka Athens. Nike is the smallest temple for the people of Athens as a temple is considered good luck for the city of Athens. Propylaea gate is shaped building by architect mnesicless, but its construction was not completed due to the Peloponnesian war. The rubble of the building can still be seen today, but there are some buildings that had completely disappeared, among others; Pinacotheca (an art gallery), Theater of Dionysus, Odeon (a chamber music from the Herod Atticus) and the Stoa (a shelter and the exhibition with a colonnade of Eumenes). Statue of Pheidias Promachos works are very large and made of bronze and dominates the city faces.
City of Athens, the Acropolis as the first city in Ancient Greece that are still visible. At this time the wood began to be used as construction materials building and called the Carpenty in marble.

The Roman architect Marcus Pollio Vitrivius written extensively about the architecture originate from here, written in his book De Architettura consisting of 10 books. In the book there is a principle of symmetry, harmony and proportion which is an extension of the principle of proportion, composition and the precision of Ancient Greece called Entasis. This concept is more detail visible in the form of order (ornamental column) architectural finds.

Doric and Ionic Order comes from Ancient Greece who took the name of two groups of ethnic Greeks, namely Doria (Derivatives Italy and Sicily) and Ionia (Asia Minor derivatives), as a continuation of the Corinthian order which comes from the Roman era. And work is what is known as Vitrivius History Clasicisme in architectural theory Continental (European mainland) tangible "greeko-Roman" after the Renaissance. There are several other buildings on the Acropolis that was quite interesting, among others: Boulenterion; legislative building, Prytaneion; executive building, Haliaea; judiciary and the Mycenaean Megaron building as a residential building or house leaders. Acropolis until now remained a reference in Urban Design. Acropolis is a reference architecture of intangible Greeko-Roman architecture ever formally rejected by the Bauhaus movement in Germany and several other countries in mainland Europe in the early 1900s which had taken control of mainland Europe since the Middle Ages after the Renaissance. Indeed the basic theory Greeko-Roman architecture by most historians and architectural critics considered the science of architecture's most enduring due to appear at all times, including in modern times today.

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